
Activate your audience with voting

We offer a way to make competitions, formats, elections, and awards interactive using CrowdVoting. This can be before, during, or after the event to let your audience vote.

Get in touch

Trusted by

Dentsu Creative Amsterdam

Dentsu Creative Amsterdam

CEO - Boris Nihom

"CrowdVoting helped us with the digital transformation of the competition. We've never seen such high levels of audience and fan engagement."

Explore the possibilities

Organize competition

Use CrowdVoting to collect fair and transparent votes. We understand what it takes to excite the audience.


Let your audience vote for their favorites and use it as a powerful marketing tool to engage everyone and promote your event. Participants promote their audition via their social media, increasing visibility.

Activate the audience

Activate your audience by giving them a say in the outcome of the results. It ensures high engagement and loyalty.

Check Grote Prijs Use Case

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