Use Case - Grote Prijs van Nederland

How did CrowdVoting enhanced the most known band competition since 1983 in the Netherlands through a combination of online video, a mobile app, live ranking and voting at location?

The competition started online where video auditions are submitted through a registration portal. Over a few months, it progressed to multiple live events, incorporating on-site voting with RFID tags and real-time input from an online audience to determine the ultimate winner of the competition.

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Easy Online Entries

A minimum of 386 artists from across the Netherlands entered the competition by submitting their personal video audtions through the registration portal. It was integrated flawlessly into the existing website of the Grote Prijs.

Curating the talents

The video auditions were being checked by a panel of music professionals based on pre-definied criteria. After the approval the video auditions were published in the mobile voting application.

Activation of the artists

The participating acts were activated with instructions per mail and during a workshop the process was explained how to involve your fans to vote. Our support-crew was available before, during and after going live with the voting.

Sparking dialogue

The results were displayed in a live-ranking in the app. The ranking played a crucial role in building momentum and excitement as it sparked buzz, with artists actively competing for fans and votes, causing more dialogue and activity on social media which reached millions of people.

Voting in the app

In their quest for more votes, artists and their fans started creating additional content, thereby increasing big awareness not only for the participants but also for the main sponsor and the competition as a whole.

Voting during the live-events

The competition then went into the semi-finals. A series of live events where the audience continued to play a significant role on site. As soon the audience voted with their wristband, a GIF was activated to show the voting was successful.


Resulting in a final where the on-site and online votes were being checked and combined to have the final winner in a multichannel live event. The winner was announced at the end of the evening during an exciting build-up.


With CrowdVoting it resulted in an online band competition community with :

  • 2.098.100 people reached online through TikTok and Instagram
  • 200.0072 votes in the application
  • 56% of the fans returned the 2nd year to vote inside the application
  • 3.001 hours of streamed video auditions
  • 63% of the target audience in the Mentos Grote Prijs (18-34 years)