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All material on this website is copyrighted by Sounders Music, except for some material that is copyrighted by others and used here with permission. Copyrighted material may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise used for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. This site also contains a number of trademarks, which may not be appropriated by anyone other than the trademark owner and may not be used in violation of trademark law. Our services are subject to Sounders Music's terms and conditions and privacy policy. You can view these on request. Sounders Music is careful when it comes to providing correct and up-to-date information to visitors to our website. However, we cannot guarantee that this information is error-free, complete and up-to-date in all cases. Therefore, no rights can be derived from the information on the pages of our website. Furthermore, Sounders Music accepts no liability for damage resulting from inaccuracies and/or outdated information. The pages of Sounders Music may contain links to (commercial and non-commercial) institutions and organizations. Sounders Music is not responsible for the content of the sites referred to. In addition, Sounders Music expressly reserves the right as intended

Jan 2019